Bicycle around Ubud – Tranquil Ubud best explored on bicycle

Bali is tourist destination that conjures up images of idyllic Indonesia, friendly faces, cultural influences and rice dishes cooked to a smouldering and heavenly aromatic dish. However, because of the increase in tourist activities the South of Bali with its beaches and resort style accommodations sometimes tend to take away from the traditional outlook of what Bali is and what the country and its people are all about.

If your idea of an Asian holiday is to truly understand the culture of its people and to bask in the idyllic nature of its villages then a cycling trip through the as yet unmarred Northern areas of Bali such as Ubud would be the ideal option for you.

Ubud although commonly refers to as one area, actually comprises of fourteen small villages each with its own administrative bodies. So picturesque and relaxing is the scenery and feel of Ubud and its surroundings that it is quite a common sight to see groups of travellers on bicycles exploring the villages. As a result many dedicated bicycle tour groups have sprung up with local guides who are able to ensure that you have the best experience.

The tour can take you through paddy fields with travellers being allowed to walk through and interact with the farmers going about their daily routines, through coffee and cocoa plantations as well as other interesting spices, to interesting temples that are the foundation of Bali’s spiritual beliefs and awe-inspiring natural phenomenon and manmade creations.

An ideal tour will conclude with traditional Balinese cuisine at a local house eaten in the traditional way. However travellers are free to opt for the type of tour they wish and this may mean weeks of exploring, perhaps only with the guide for company or in groups. The choice is yours and the locals are happy to help you.

At the end of your adventure if you wish to experience a luxury retreat Bali which in itself is an experience you do not want to miss then Uma Bali is an excellent such Ubud hotel option. All in all your experiences – in the village or in luxurious surroundings will keep you coming back for more.


Chandrishan Williams is a travel writer who writes under the pen name, Caleb Falcon. He specializes in writing content based on the many exciting world adventures that await intrepid travellers.
