Muay Thai Shows (Thai Boxing) – for an adrenaline pumping evening

Thailand does not run out of entertainment, it has something for everyone be it young or old, whether one is looking for music or sport, you name it, there is almost everything in Thailand. Those who are looking for an adrenaline pumping boxing match to watch, there is always Muay Thai Shows, also known as Thai Boxing amongst foreigners which is also considered to be the country’s national sport.

The sport has a history that goes back centuries to a time when wars were fought using bows and arrows and one to one fights took place between soldiers from two opposing armies. Muay Thai was used by soldiers in combat a long time ago and today it is considered as a formal and a professional fighting style. A number of eastern countries have now started training young men in this sport.

The sport is exciting on screen when telecasted but watching it live to hear the kicks, the punches and strikes seeing it happen right in front of you is even more interesting for the lover of the sport. In order to cater to the rising demand to watch these shows by foreigners there are a large number of places where Thai boxing shows are held and most of them are in close proximity to places which are popular amongst foreigners.

It is not just the sport itself, the atmosphere in which they take place is equally interesting. People cheer and amidst all that there is loud music, flutes and cymbals being played by the onlookers and there is also a ceremonial opening of each game all adding colour and vibrancy to the game. There is also a lot of betting which takes place amongst the crowds. Thus, it is not just to watch the game that people come here but also to experience the atmosphere.

There are a number of places where these shows take place and those who are interested can have an entertaining and thrilling evening at one of these shows experiencing a different side of Thai culture. For any tourist seeking to stay at a Phuket resort an ideally located Patong beach resort such as the Millennium Resort Patong Phuket would be suitable.

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