Buffalo Fighting Koh Samui – an exciting and humane sport

Everyone has heard about the legendary bull fights in Spain, but unknown to most people, a similar spectacle takes place in Asia. Unique to the island of Koh Samui is the age-old tradition of buffalo fighting. The event itself is not that organized and takes place throughout most parts of the year. But the venue is a select few stadiums in Koh Samui and keeping track of events that happen there will give you an opportunity to witness this spectacle.

Unlike the Spanish tradition, the buffalo are not killed or made to fight with humans bearing weapons, instead they fight each other. New Year’s Day and Sogkran that occurs in April are two festivals that will definitely have celebrations involving buffalo fights.

Before the fight, the buffaloes are jazzed up; their horns painted gold and ribbons tied on them. The animals are also blessed with holy water before the beginning of the event. The actual fighting takes place in two rounds, one in the morning and one during late afternoon so that the animals have enough time to recuperate. The injury during this sport is much less as the buffaloes don’t really hurt each other but attempt to establish their dominance as they would in a natural environment.

Betting during the buffalo fighting festival is extremely common. The winner can earn up to millions of baht and the event is watched by the not-so-well-off to the extremely-well-off. Entrance is around 100 baht for men while women are allowed to enter free. However, the best seats are more expensive. Alcohol is also allowed inside the arena creating a carnival like atmosphere.

Starting out as a tradition after the harvest festival, today it has become a not-so-exclusive event and continues to attract tons of tourists and locals. Since the battle itself is not so gruesome with any death involved, even children are allowed to witness the fights.

Because of the island’s popularity as a tourist destination you can easily find a Koh Samui resort to stay at. Anantara Lawana Resort & Spa Koh Samui is just a stone’s throw away from the ocean and offers a luxurious retreat. It is a popular Chaweng hotel that makes it an ideal family destination.

Thanuja Silva is a travel writer who writes under the pen name Auburn Silver. She has a passion for fashion and a deep interest in admiring new and exotic attractions around the world.
