Modern Fitness Equipment – Sweat it out at Home

Gone are the days you have to drop by the gym every evening after work regardless of the long day you had. Gone are the days you get screamed at by a trainer seemingly wanting to break your back; at least it can sometimes feel that way! What with all the ground-breaking discoveries about losing weight and achieving one’s body goals, we now have a new range of options from active pursuits like hiking, kayaking, power yoga and Pilates to using modern fitness equipment right at home. You need not fear if you think only high-end gym equipment can garner you that chiseled chest and those busting biceps since a well scheduled at-home workout can do wonders.

Do remember that such equipment is basically the same though modern versions add certain other elements that look to enhance your workout. So what are the kinds of fitness equipment out there? When it comes to cardio workouts a rowing machine, air bike, climbmill and the ever popular treadmill are amongst the options available. Purchasing such equipment and using it at home has not only become more cost effective, but can also lead to more consistent workouts since it overcomes issues like being too busy to drop by the gym or being uncomfortable to workout at an unfamiliar space. For added guidance you even have the option of combining this with in home personal training. In Toronto, professional fitness trainers such as First Class Personal Training, will visit you at your personal residence or workplace during hours convenient to you and even bring the needed equipment.

You can consider investing on recumbent bikes if you have a bad back and want to make sure you don’t put too much pressure on your spine. Also popular are elliptical machines that offer more low impact workouts which don’t tax your joints or back too much. Another benefit of this machine is because of its design and the fact your position will be relatively stationary, you can set it up in such a way to enjoy using it while watching your favorite TV show!

When it comes to weights and strength training, you can always look to buy free weights, flexion machines, dumbbells, kettlebells and medicine balls. However, if you are choosing to purchase exercise and fitness equipment, ensure you have enough background knowledge or at least the advice of your personal trainer. Do not let certain infomercials mislead you since anything that sounds “easy”, “painless” or “quick” might just be a marketing gimmick.

Nelson Osborne is an independent freelance writer who has been sharing his expertise on a variety of subjects via numerous articles and web content over the years.


Unexpected Benefits of Exercise – Sweating Makes You Smarter and Happier!


Unexpected Benefits of Exercise, Image Credit: First Class PT

A lot of people think exercise is important purely for the purpose of losing weight. There are, however, so many other reasons why we should all incorporate routine exercise into our daily or weekly schedules. One of most unexpected benefits of exercise is the improvement in self-image and ultimately, therefore, our self-confidence. Working out regularly helps keep our body fit and toned, and releases endorphins into our system, which helps combat depression and makes us happy. All these things combine to produce an individual who is proud about their appearance and physical aptitude and is in a positive state of mind. So the next time you are feeling down or negatively about yourself, start working out. It can be as simple as picking up a skipping rope in your backyard or a strenuous gym workout. It doesn’t matter. Whatever gets your heart rate up and your blood pumping will do the trick. If you don’t feel confident that you can keep yourself motivated all on your own, consider a signing up with some of the best personal trainers in Toronto for regulated workout sessions. Many of these personal training outfits such as First Class PT and similar others are happy to carry out sessions in the comfort of your own home. This makes exercise convenient and you are less likely to skip out on your workout sessions due to other commitments or because you feel like having a lazy day.

In addition to keeping you fit, healthy and happy, exercise, quite unexpectedly, also boosts your mental prowess. Studies have proven that cardiovascular workouts help create new brain cells – and we could all surely use more of those! The tougher the workout, the better, as it results in the creation of larger amounts of a particular protein whose production originates in the brain. This protein has been observed to improve cognitive ability with regards to processes like decision-making and learning new things. Exercise has also been shown to improve memory in children and adults alike. Working up a sweat has been linked to hippocampus development; the hippocampus is the part of the brain that determines learning and information retention capabilities.


Improve Fitness Levels through Exercises – Switching to a Healthier Lifestyle

First Class personal training

Today as we find almost half of the world’s population suffering from a non-communicable disease, we are made to re-look our approach at nutrition. As the world gets more competitive the global population pushes to keep ahead of the race making individuals more career oriented and less health conscious. The statistics of obesity in Canada speak for its self with scores as high as 5.3 million adults having been reported as obese in 2012 as the rate of obesity increases each year.

While driven by our constant need to make money, time for one’s self has unfortunately become a luxury. This has given rise to many individuals specializing in what is today called an essential industry; the fitness industry. More commercialized areas that have been observed to have a fair share of obese individuals too have many spots where one can find a suitable personal trainer. Toronto, for instance, has many specialized fitness specialists such as First Class Personal Training. Taking after the ‘prevention is better than cure’ approach, adults should and must at all times try to prevent these diseases without necessarily trying to cure them.

Today as we find almost half of the world’s population suffering from a non-communicable disease, we are made to re-look our approach at nutrition. As the world gets more competitive the global population pushes to keep ahead of the race making individuals more career oriented and less health conscious. The statistics of obesity in Canada speak for its self with scores as high as 5.3 million adults having been reported as obese in 2012 as the rate of obesity increases each year.

As confirmed by science and its results on millions of people, it is safe to say that exercise by far is the safest mode of weight reduction. Your weight is determined by the number of calories you eat and your metabolic rate. Metabolism by definition is the body’s natural mechanism of producing energy for our daily activities using up energy that we receive through food in the form of calories. The balance between what we eat and how much we expend as energy is perhaps the most vital equation that determines our health. To put it in simple words, the more you eat the more energy there is in the body which if not utilized will be stored as fat. Let’s not forget that our bodies too are quite generous with our eating habits, that is, you don’t build up fat overnight, but over a long period of time with the consistent intake of too many calories.

The higher our metabolic rate the easier it is to lose weight. This is why jogging, walking and other types of cardio activity make you lose weight. Exercising over long periods of time will not only boost your metabolism but will also carry other health benefits such as; flushing out toxins through the skin in the form of sweat, improving muscle growth, improving elasticity of skin and giving you a better physical appearance. If you see yourself in the mirror and always feel you are a bit too overweight, start now. Start with adding in 30 minutes of light jogs each day, consuming more water and cutting out on all unhealthy fats.

Remember, weight loss just like weight gain cannot be achieved overnight. So persevere, and consult the right trainer to perform the right types of exercises that will ensure you have a healthy lifestyle.


Balanced Diet to improve your Fitness – stay healthy

You want to be healthy but cannot resist yourself from chewing on your favourite snack at night. If you belong to this category, do not worry too much. The next moment you get hungry, go for a fruit first. Try to have fruits, until you feel full. That might ease your temptation for your favourite snack. It could be fruit or something nutritious like peanuts. Then go to bed with a satisfied mind and a healthy tummy.

That could be the first step of your first class personal training. If you go ahead with such a plan, maintaining a balanced diet to improve your fitness will not be a big deal.

You do not have to starve by reducing your food intake. Just fill a half of your plate with vegetable and then reduce the meat consumption. Try this out a number of times, and you know you are on the proper track towards a healthy lifestyle.

A balanced diet does not mean that you got to stay away from your favourite dishes and starve. Your should be much wiser in your balanced diet. Enjoy your favourite snacks in moderation. If you happen to exceed your moderation limit, do not try to compensate it by eating less next time. Burn those calories by doing a little more exercise more than usual.
Speaking of exercises, you can also opt for the services of a personal trainer. The personal trainers introduce you to a healthy diet, a balanced diet plus a good workout schedule. If you are looking for a personal trainer in Toronto, you are likely to find a number of them that will be able to keep you on the right track in order to improve your fitness.

If you are worried about having too many sugary drinks at parties, that too has a solution. Order water in between! But just water will only make things dull. Do not forget to order some fruits while enjoying some sparkling water. That will be a good substitute to a sparkling fizzy drink, which is not really healthy for your system.

Pushpitha Wijesinghe is an experienced independent freelance writer. He specializes in providing a wide variety of content and articles related to the travel hospitality industry.
